26 Newland Park Drive

26 Newland Park Drive

House for 6 - SORRY  - LET for 2025/26

All our houses have fast unlimited WiFi. No fees, No holding deposit.

About the House

26 Newland Park Drive is less than five minutes walk from campus.

It has an impressive eat in kitchen with laminate floor, fridge freezer, dishwasher etc. Front and back gardens, and off street parking, two modern bath/shower rooms.

It has gone to the first group to see it every year that we can remember. Visit What Our Tenants Say page for a longer comment from former tenants of number 26

Important Info

Sorry - LET for 2025/26

51 weeks x £180 pppwk (including gas, electricity, water, fast WiFI). No holding Deposit or Guarantor required.

Deposit is £300x6=£1800 payable at the start of the tenancy.

YO10 3HR

Energy Performance: C69 (Pot. B83) Carbon: D65 (Pot. C80)

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